If you own a business in 2019, it’s likely you will have considered using a cloud platform. However, with so many options out there how do you know which one is the right fit for your company’s needs? Worry not, this is where help comes in.
Public, Private or Hybrid Cloud
You first need to determine whether you need a public, private or hybrid cloud platform. Let’s take a look at some questions to make the decision easier.
What type of data will you use?
If you work with data containing sensitive information that can’t be available to everyone, you need a private cloud. On the other hand, if the information you will store on your cloud has no particular value to anyone else, a public cloud is will work for you.
What software will you use?
The answer to this one is quite similar to the one in the first question, really. But depending on which industry your business is in, you can also use a hybrid cloud platform.
How many users and devices will connect to the cloud?
In simple terms, the more devices connecting to the cloud the less secure it will be. So, it’s better to start small and scale up.
How much are you willing to spend?
There is always the question about the budget. There are many free, but public, cloud platforms. If your information has no value to anyone outside your business, you could use a free cloud. However, if you must keep the information safe, you really need a private cloud, which will come at different costs, depending on the package you choose.
Differences between Public, Private and Hybrid Clouds
Public clouds aren’t always completely free. They do offer some features that you have to pay in order to get. Public cloud services will not be used only by your company, but others as well. They will be enough for keeping data that is not confidential, or for e-mail services. Examples of good public clouds include PaaS (platform as a service), Iaas (infrastructure as a service) and Saas (software as a service).
Private clouds, on the other hand, are never free. They, however, won’t be used by anyone else other than your company. Private clouds offer a lot higher degree of security, which means anything you choose to store on it or use it for, will be completely safe.
Hybrid clouds are literally a combination of the previous two. They are the perfect combination of the services offered by public and private clouds. Companies often have the need to store secure information on a private cloud, but they also work with information that is not confidential and can be made public.
The good news is that public cloud services are often incredibly secure, with the most up-to-date encryption processes in place. In a recent interview Andre Pienaar, cloud expert and founder of the cloud venture capital firm C5 Capital, said: “When people used to see cloud technology as a block to security, they now see it as the answer.”
Follow Your Data Needs
Every company, small or big, a start-up or a huge enterprise, needs a proper cloud service. Depending on your company needs, try and find what type of cloud service best suits it.
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