Pest control is critical for the well-being of both the ecology and health of humans. The damages caused by these pests can equally have an impact on the economy, bearing in mind how dangerous these pests are for agriculture and housing properties. Several pest control methods are depending on the type of pests. Before going deep into modern pest control methods, let us look at how pest control occurred in ancient times. The use of pest-destroying animals was a mechanism that was used then to protect properties from harmful pests. For instance, cats were used to keep rodents away from farms or houses efficiently. Owning a cat today on a farm will reduce the number of rats, which is cheaper than the professional pest control methods.
Some of the modern pest control methods are biological pest control, physical pest control, poisoned bait, mechanical pest control, field burning, trap cropping, and pesticides. The article will discuss each of these methods in terms of their use and how they are implemented.
- Biological Pest Control
Biological pest control is among the most natural methods applicable today. The method efficiently reduces the number of pests without having any adverse effect on the environment. When eradicating mosquitoes, for instance, the treatment works by putting substances in water sources while still being safe for human consumption. The biological pest control aims to effectively kill all the harmful pests without negatively affecting other components of nature.
- Mechanical Pest Control
The mechanical pest control method involves the equipment and devices in eradicating pests. The commonly used technique is creating a protective barrier between the plant and the plant. This method is closely related to the physical pest control method, and only that physical method involves removing and attacking the pest. Hence, preventing the spread of the pests and reducing any further destruction to the plants. This method aims to protect the property by removing the pests and attacking or anything that facilitates the spreading of these pests. For instance, you can create temporary garbage where pests can find food and reside instead of destroying your crops and destroying them there. Also, drain all still water sources such as puddles, which are other residing places for pests.
- Poisoned bait
When you want to get rid of rodents, poisoned bait is the most effective pest control method. Before you use this method, ensure you consult with the experts such as Pointe pest control for guidance. It is imperative to be careful when using this method as it has a dangerous side. By feeding rats, the poisoned meat will surely get rid of them, but it is risky as when larger animals eat the meat, they will be infected. When humans feed on these animals that eat the poisoned meat, they will be affected and can even die. Therefore, when using this method, you need to be cautious.
- Trap cropping
Trap cropping is the most strategic method that you can use. It involves the use of a trap crop that is a plant that attracts pests intending to distract them from destroying other plants on the field. This method can be used together with other methods, such as the use of pesticides. After attracting the pests around this trap crop, it is easier to spray them.
When the methods are appropriately used, pests will be eradicated and reducing health risks to humans. Before using some methods such as using pesticides, consult with experts such as Pointe pest control to get the right chemicals to use. When the pests are controlled, the yields will be increased.
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