There are a lot of reasons why your marketing campaign could, well, fail. It could be that you don’t have the budget for the scope of your campaign. It could be that you aren’t keeping up with the latest social media trends.
It could be that you aren’t practicing audience targeting.
What is audience targeting and why is it important? How is developing a targeted audience going to turn even a lackluster marketing campaign into a success?
Read on for our quick and informative introduction to audience targeting.
What Is Audience Targeting?
Your friend loves the latest show on cable and you can’t get into it. It makes sense that your friend likes it because it appeals to her interests. You, on the other hand, aren’t the right audience.
Every product and service works the same way. There are people who are primed to shop with your business and people who are so unlikely to that it’s not worth marketing to them. Audience targeting allows you to market to the consumers with the potential to become your customers, not the ones without.
Who Is Your Target Audience?
The question, then, is how to find your target audience. It’s time to start thinking in terms of:
- behaviors and interests
- demographics (ie race, gender, and age)
- geographic location
What needs do your products and services fulfill? Who has those needs? Who has the reason, the cash, and the desire to become your customer?
It can also help to define who isn’t your target audience. For example, if you offer roofing services, your target audience is not going to include someone who rents an apartment. When you start thinking this way, it’s easy to see how failing to audience target can lead to some serious miscalculations.
What Does Audience Targeting Do for Your Marketing Campaign?
The truth is that if you aren’t practicing audience targeting, you’re throwing money into the wind. There are so many online features (we’re talking Google Ads and more) that make it easy to reach the right consumers, so long as you know who those consumers are.
When you know your target audience, you can better practice:
- social media marketing
- ad optimizing for specific actions
- email marketing
- print marketing
All of this is going to get better because you know where your potential consumers spend their time online and off and you can start to learn more about what interests them, how to reach them, and how to turn their attention into sales.
Don’t Lose Focus on Your Target Audience
If your marketing campaigns are falling flat, it’s time to figure out what the problem is. If you’re not practicing audience targeting, we can save you the trouble. It’s time to head back to the drawing board to ask yourself, “Who is my target audience and how can I start reaching them directly?”
Looking for more ways to troubleshoot your marketing campaign? Take a look around as we share more tips and industry updates that will help you to stay on track.
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