Lobbyist spending in the USA totaled $3.73 billion in 2021. The scope for lobbying is huge, and just about anyone can become a lobbyist.
Lobbyists pressure those in power to form new legislation for the benefit of society. There are vast benefits to becoming a lobbyist.
If you’ve ever wanted to change things for the better, read on. Let’s look at the 7 benefits of becoming a lobbyist.
1. A Lobbyist Can Influence Public Policy
Individuals seldom have a chance to influence the public policies we all live under. But a lobbyist can do what most people cannot.
A lobbyist, in a team, can influence the legislation passed by Congress. Power of numbers gives you power in Government. A lobbyist career puts you into the game; you are no longer on the sidelines, but an active participant.
2. Contribute to Our Participatory Democracy
Freedom to assemble, petition, and speak is part of our constitution. Lobbying helps keep the democratic cogs turning.
By becoming a lobbyist you stoke the fire of our democratic society. You will raise issues otherwise shunned by Congress. You will give voice to those most affected by current legislation and help spark change.
3. Give Minority Groups a Voice in Congress
Any group can form a lobbying party. This enables those from a minority background to act on their concerns. You can push the Government to create new, balanced legislation.
A lobbyist stands next to the general public. They voice their wishes to Congress. They know what people want.
4. Boost Your Career Options
You need to research, record, analyze, plan, persuade, and manage to form a lobbying campaign. You form a network of peers with links to all parts of the business world.
A strong lobbying record stands out on a resume. Your network can open up career opportunities you never considered.
5. Be Part of a Team
The power of lobbying is in numbers. Form a group of people around the same cause. Your group could sway the legislation that affects our daily lives.
A lobbyist career lets you meet lawyers, politicians, CEOs, store owners, anyone. This experience widens your knowledge base, and as a team, you can win.
6. Raise Awareness of Societal Issues
Governments are too busy to track all the issues in society. Environment, domestic problems, and inequality are all issues that need a strong voice. That can be your voice.
The sheer number of bills submitted to Congress means many get lost in the pile. But a lobbyist can influence politicians into action.
7. The Door Is Open for New Lobbyists
There are no formal qualifications or certifications needed. That said, many lobbyists have bachelor’s degrees, and a political aptitude will go a long way.
Advocacy is the other side of the coin. Advocates speak for a cause and rally support. But they do not work directly with politicians to pass legislation.
Check here for more on lobbyist versus advocate roles.
Ready to Start a Lobbying Career?
We hope our guide to the benefits of becoming a lobbyist primed you for action. Now is the ideal time.
Pick the causes you care about. Form or join a group of fellow lobbyists, and set out to change things for the better.
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