Are you looking to make your home more eco-friendly? Perhaps you’re in the process of building a new home. Maybe you’re just looking to make your current house more beneficial for the environment.
Whatever the case might be, it will take a sustainable house plan for you to accomplish this feat. Once you have that in place, your home can become a beacon of hope that your neighbors can look to for inspiration to do the same.
See below for several eco-friendly house plan ideas that you’ll love. Be sure to consider all of these tips and tricks as you go along.
1. Solar Installation
If you’re looking to make your home more sustainable, then start by making it feed off of the natural resources to produce power for your home.
There are many different advantages to investing in solar installation for your home. It provides a renewable source of energy, gives you a huge return on investment, and reduces your monthly electricity bill.
To install it is as simple as calling a solar installation expert to receive a quote. From there, you’ll look through different things such as how many panels you’ll need, how long the process will take, and the cost you can expect to pay.
The installation is fairly simple and can be done in only a few days (depending on the size of your home). If you’re wanting to make a statement to your entire neighborhood about your eco-friendly efforts, the solar panels will help you do that.
Contact a trusted home solar installation company today to learn more about the benefits it can offer you.
2. Tankless Water Heater
Few pieces of the home go more unnoticed than a water heater. It’s constantly working to keep the water in your home at a preferred temperature that you’ve requested.
However, to reach that temperature, the water heater has to use a fair amount of energy to do so. The tank is constantly using energy to produce your desired temp.
Fortunately, there are tankless water heaters that will spare the amount of energy until you turn it on. It won’t work on the temperature until you’ve turned the water on in your shower, sink, bathtub, etc.
Of course, the size of your tankless water heater depends on the size of your home. Be sure to research how to find the right size of water heater if you’re going the tankless route.
3. Use Recycled Materials for Construction or Remodeling
For those of you that fall into the category of undergoing construction or renovations to your home, you can reduce your footprint by using recycled materials. These materials are just as efficient and will reduce the amount of waste in landfills.
You can find recycled shingles, drywall, bricks, wood, steel, and even glass countertops that you can use. Let your contractor know (if applicable) that you’d like to explore the recycled sector and see which materials will fit in your budget.
Remember, every little bit helps. You don’t have to alter all of your amenities and home features just to appease your eco-friendly efforts.
Just perform research on what materials can be recycled, see which aspects of your home can use those materials, and apply them to your plans.
More importantly, make sure you’re recycling the materials that you or your construction crew don’t end up using. Sell your unused bricks to local pavers. Recycle the glass that you break or that goes unused.
4. Search for Energy Star
Almost everyone reading this would be able to identify the energy star logo that you can find on household appliances. However, very few can tell you what the logo means.
No matter what the appliance is, the creator of that appliance can send it in to receive a rating from Energy Star. For them to even receive a rating, that appliance has to meet a very strict set of guidelines.
All of the guidelines are used to save you (the consumer) as much energy and cost as possible. It ensures that you aren’t investing in a black hole.
Whenever the time comes for you to purchase a new appliance for your home, be sure to look for the Energy Star logo. You can even perform some research before you shop to see which models that Energy Star rated the highest.
From there, it’s all about finding an energy-efficient option that meets your preferred budget. It will be a match made in heaven!
5. Pay Closer Attention to Your Windows and Doors
The windows and doors that you install play a significant role in both your monthly energy bills and your home’s eco-friendliness.
If you were to get the wrong size or have a door/window improperly installed, it can eat away at your energy bill. For example, your heater will be forced to work twice as hard to keep the home at your preferred temp since heat is escaping through door cracks.
For that reason, you must make sure you buy the right product. For windows, make sure you’re investing in double pane windows. You might even consider triple pane to ensure it’s sealed tight.
For your doors, you want to find the right size and have proper air sealing around the doorway. As long as you do, you’ll be rewarded with a lesser energy bill year-round.
Build Your Sustainable House Plan Today
Now that you’ve seen how to build a sustainable house plan, it’s time for you to get cracking on what elements you want to implement.
Start with step one on this list by reaching out to a solar installation company and take back control of your energy supply.
Be sure to visit our website for more articles on energy-efficiency, as well as many other helpful topics!
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