For most businesses that take on their own marketing, creating content is one of the hardest things to keep up with. For content marketing to really be beneficial to you, you have to put a lot of work into strategizing, planning, creating, and promoting your pieces. Not only this, but then you also have to know how to place your content on your own website so that it works for you now and forever.
To help you with all of these issues, here are three ways to better manage your content creation.
Get The Right People On Your Team
While almost anyone can write something about a topic that they’re passionate about, it takes a different kind of skill to write a large amount of content so all tertiary topics related to your business or industry. Because of this, it might be a good idea to create a content team that you can lean on for your content creation.
When coming up with this team, Michele Linn, a contributor to the Content Marketing Institute, recommends that you find people who have a T-shaped knowledge base. What this means is that you get people on your team who have a wide knowledge about a lot of different topics related to your business while also having a deep knowledge about one important aspect of your business. With someone like this on your team, you should have no problem coming up with quality content ideas.
Cater To Your Publishing Channels
Although having a good starter idea for creating content can be very helpful, if you don’t have an end in mind for that content, you might wind up wasting a lot of your time and resources creating content that doesn’t really fit anywhere.
To address this problem, Justin McGill, a contributor to, recommends that you think about where you’ll be publishing each piece of content before you create it and then cater your creation to that publishing channel. For example, if you have a piece that you think might perform better on Instagram or Pinterest, make sure you focus heavily on the visual aspect of your piece rather than just on the text.
Set Goals And Work Toward Them
To get the most out of your content creation, you’ve got to have some strategy in place. But before you can create an effective strategy, you also need to know what your goals are for your content.
According to Teresa Litsa, a contributor to Search Engine Watch, some of the goals for your content might include getting more engagement, promoting your brand or business, creating awareness, getting conversions, or situating yourself as a thought leader.
If you need to be better at managing your content and its creation, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you with this.
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