As a small business owner, your website can be a great salesperson for your business or it can be offputting and turn potential clients and customers away.
For this reason, many business owners opt to hire a professional web designer to ensure their website is designed to be effective and high-performing. While this is a great idea, it’s important to realize that not all designers are created equally. It’s essential to vet your designer to make sure you are choosing the right fit.
Fortunately, choosing web designers can be as simple as following a few tips during your search. If you are looking for a web designer, here are a few factors to consider.
1. Experience
One thing to consider is the web designer’s experience. You want to ensure the designer you choose can create the best site for your company. Ask about the designer’s experience with companies that have similar goals as you do.
2. Expertise
While many people can design a pretty website, you want to choose a designer who has the expertise to create a functioning site. Your designer should know how SEO works, the common reasons why to hire a web designer, and how a website can boost your business. Make sure your designer has the know-how to create a profitable site.
3. Reputation
While the internet is vast, the world of online business owners can be pretty small. For this reason, a quick Google search should give you an idea of a designer’s reputation. Look for trends, such as charging extra, ignoring deadlines, or being difficult to work with in general.
4. Design Process
Every designer has a design process they follow to create and build websites. While no design process is wrong, some may not fit with your working style and expectations. Talk to the designer about their process, to see how long it takes, how involved they expect you to be, and more.
5. Portfolio
One of the best ways to evaluate a potential web designer is to look at their portfolio. While your website should be unique, you can get an idea of what the designer is capable of from their portfolio. If you do not enjoy the style of their work, consider moving on.
6. Testimonials
Asking for references and reviews is a great way to get a first-hand account of how it may be to work with a specific designer. While these are from satisfied customers, you can still learn a lot from these reviews. As for testimonials to help you make your decision.
Consider These Factors When Choosing Web Designers
By following these tips for choosing web designers, you can make sure you will choose the right designer for you and your company.
Make sure you are considering experience, expertise, and reputation. You also want to ask about the designer’s process, portfolio, and testimonials. Most of all, make sure the designer you choose has a communication style that is a good fit for your personality.
Follow these tips and you’ll be well on your way to an attractive and effective website.
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