Thanks to modern technology, it’s now easier than ever to be safe behind the wheel. However, in order for this technology to keep you safe, you have to get a vehicle that has this technology installed and use it on a consistent basis.
If you’re wanting to take advantage of this technology to help keep yourself and others safe on the road by avoiding car accidents and other issues, here are three ways you can use technology to make you a safer driver.
Additional Cameras
Having certain cameras on your car can help you avoid car accidents caused by running into another vehicle.
According to Kyle Rakow, a contributor to, reverse monitoring systems and blind-spot warning systems are both great ways to use cameras to help you see around the perimeter of your car better. With these systems, you’ll be able to see behind your car when you’re backing up rather than having to look out the back window or use your mirrors to help you. And with blind-spot warning systems, you can see on a small camera on your side mirrors as you’re able to change into another lane. This will allow you to tell if there’s a car in your blind spot without you having to turn your head to check your blind spot. Additionally, you can also get features that will alert you if there’s a car in your blind spot so that you automatically know if it’s safe for you to change lanes or not.
Brake Assist
Another piece of technology that can make modern cars safer for drivers is brake assist.
According to, brake assist, or automatic braking, uses sensors in the front of your car to tell if an object in front of you is getting too close for you to stop safely. If the sensors do engage, they’ll push on your car’s brakes if you don’t do so in time. This can save you from getting in a head-on collision that could cause damage to your property and major injuries to those in your vehicle.
Driving Mode For Phones
One of the biggest reasons people get in car accidents or are unsafe on the road is due to distracted driving. For many, the greatest distraction comes from their cell phone.
Because of this, Consumer Reports shares that many cell phones and software creators allow you to put your phone on driving mode when you’re behind the wheel. With this function enabled, your phone will essentially be on a “do not disturb” mode. This will keep your phone from ringing, buzzing, or vibrating while you’re behind the wheel, which can go a long way toward limiting your distractions.
If you want to feel safer while you’re behind the wheel, consider using some of the new technology mentioned above while you’re driving.
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