Whether you are buying a home or you have been living in yours for years, regular termite inspections are critical for protecting your investment.
If you are wondering what is a termite inspection and why you should have one, this article is for you. Discover the signs of termite infestation and learn how often termite inspection should happen.
What Are Termites?
Maybe the best way to describe a termite is a home eating machine. They are winged ants that create colonies within wood surfaces. They consume wood, paper, and drywall.
Drywood Termites
They are called drywood because they do not live in the ground. They get all of the moisture and nutrients they need from the wood they infest and eat.
Damage can be very extensive and unseen to the untrained eye. Drywood termites burrow in wooden beams and create unstable supports in your home.
Dampwood Termites
These are much larger than subterranean or drywood termites. If you have water damage or wood support beams that are directly in the contact with the ground, your home is at risk for this type of termite.
Homes that are located in forests with fallen logs and tree stumps are highly prone to dampwood termite damage. The moisture stored in dead limbs attracts these termites. If your home has leaks or high humidity, dampwood termites see it as a buffet.
Subterranean Termites
This type of termite builds its colony underground. They create mud tubes to access the wood in your home. They can reduce structural supports to dust and often leave a trail of layers of fine wood debris.
The colony usually has more than one fertile queen. Therefore these colonies can multiply rapidly.
Why Are Termites Dangerous to Homes?
It doesn’t matter how clean you keep your home. If your home is primarily constructed from wood, always be on the lookout for signs of termites. Here is how to inspect for termites:
- Buckling or sagging drywall
- Uneven flooring
- Squeaky floors
- Sticking doors and windows
- Mud trails
- Sawdust particles
- Black dots of feces
- Wings
If you notice these signs, the professional termite inspection price will pay for itself in the damage you may catch in time.
What Is a Termite Inspection?
A professional termite inspector like reliabletsolutions.com will inspect the inside and outside of your home for some of the signs listed previously. They are also trained to look for hidden damage in foundations and behind drywall.
During the termite inspection, they will also look for evidence that identifies which type of termite infestation you have. This knowledge allows the inspector to advise you on problem areas of the home to be fixed such as water-damaged wood.
Tracking where the colonies are thriving is also part of the inspection. You may be able to notice a few signs of termite damage, but a professional will be able to locate their homes and develop a plan for getting rid of them.
Find Certified Termite Inspection in Your Area
So, what is a termite inspection? Hopefully, this article has shed some light on how a termite inspection is conducted and why it is so important to your home.
Visit our site often for informative tips on protecting and improving your home.
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