How do you know if you’re drinking enough water?
For starters, you won’t be thirsty all the time. Colorless urine is another sign of good hydration. But if you’re peeing less than 4 times a day, you’re probably dehydrated.
Getting enough water is just the start. You also need to ensure the quality of the water you’re drinking is clear and clean. If you haven’t changed your Frigidaire refrigerator water filter in a while, this article is for you.
This guide will go over the dangers of dirty water filters, along with the best tips for finding the perfect water filter for your home. How can you be sure you’re getting a water filter that’s up for the task? Read on to find out.
Why Replacing Your Frigidaire Refrigerator Water Filter Matters
Before we dive into the different ways to pick the perfect Frigidaire refrigerator water filter, let’s talk about why it matters so much. Your water filter does more than remove heavy metals and chlorine. It’s also going to be taking parasites and bacteria out of the water.
The filter also gets rid of the rust and dust old pipes can collect. How do water filters work?
Frigidaire water filters are going to force the water through activated carbon. The activated carbon then cleans the water using the process called chemical absorption.
You wouldn’t contemplate eating dirty food, would you? Well, your water shouldn’t be any different!
If you want ice-cold freshwater that’s safe, then you need to stay up on your fridge filter maintenance. How can you tell if your refrigerator’s water filter needs a replacement? Look for the warning signs.
Warning Signs With Water Filters
You walk in the kitchen for a fresh glass of water, but what you end up sipping on tastes like plastic. What does it mean? It’s time for a new water filter.
Other signs include a funky smell, lack of water flow, murky watercolor, or black specks in the water. Even if you’re not seeing any of the warning signs, but your filter is over a year old, it’s time for a replacement.
Find the Right Refrigerator Water Filter
How can you find the best water filter for your home? Figuring out the right model is the first step in the decision-making process. You should also consider the type of contaminants that the filter is capable of removing over its lifespan.
Next, look for a filter that’s going to fit your fridge. Fridge filters aren’t universal. You’ll need to exclusively shop for fridge air water filters if that’s the type of refrigerator you have.
One of the best ways to determine if a filter is compatible with your fridge is by removing the old filter and checking the model number. You can also check your refrigerators user manual or visit the manufacturer’s website.
Another option would be to check out the water filters manufacturer’s website. Sites like can also help simplify things. There you can find a list of different refrigerator brands along with the specific model numbers that fit them.
If you have an older model refrigerator that uses a built-in filtration system, you can still find the perfect replacement. Look for inline systems that will be able to connect the water dispenser’s water supply and your refrigerator.
What Is NSF Testing for Water Filters?
As you begin exploring the different water filters on the market, you’ll see different NSF ratings. NSF is a non-profit organization that certifies consumer products.
It’s the goal of NSF to make sure that high standards are met for quality and safety when it comes to consumer products. One of the areas that they specialize in is the water industry. This includes refrigerator water filters.
NSF uses different classifications to test the water filters to see what they’re capable of. If you see an NSF-42 rating, you’ll know you’re on the right track.
Any water filter that’s worth your money will at least have the NSF 42 certification. The NSF 42 rating means that it can remove impurities like chlorine while also improving the odor and taste.
Does the filter have an NSF 53 rating? This is even better! Filters with the NSF 53 rating will be able to remove even more contaminants that could cause you health problems.
For instance, an NSF 53 rated filter could remove mercury, asbestos, radon, arsenic, and more! Finally, there are also the NSF 401 filters.
If you find a filter with the NSF-401 rating, you’ll be getting the best of the best. You’ll be able to remove contaminants such as prescription medication that could be in the water, pesticides, detergents, herbicides, and more.
Safety Ratings for Water Filters
There are a couple more certification ratings that you should be aware of. These certification ratings will let you know whether or not the filter itself can leak contaminants into the oil.
For instance, if you find a filter with an NSF 372 rating, you can rest assured that the filter isn’t going to leak any type of lead into the water. We also suggest looking for filters that have NSF 61 rating.
The NSF 61 rating covers a broader range of contaminants that the filter won’t leach into the water. Once you are certain you have a filter that is safe to use, you can begin the installation process.
Fast and Easy Installation
Are you nervous about installing your new water filter? Don’t be! A lot of refrigerators have a special compartment inside of them that makes water filter installation quick and easy.
The filter will either plug into a socket or twist into a receptacle. The fast installation makes it easy for users to change their water filter without leaving the fridge open for a long time.
You won’t have to worry about storing your food in a cooler or anything like that. Instead, once you know what to do, you can expect to spend 5 minutes tops installing the new water filter.
Enjoy Drinking Crisp Clean Water
It’s clear to see that finding the right Frigidaire refrigerator water filter can be easy. As long as you purchase the right filter for the make and model of your fridge, you’ll be on the right track. Take things one step further by double-checking the water filter’s NSF rating.
If the filter doesn’t have the right rating, take your business elsewhere! After all, your household deserves the safety and security that a certified water filter brings to the table.
What other ways can you protect your household? Read another one of our blogs to find out.
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