Do you have a black thumb instead of a green one? Well, then you’ve come to the right place.
Being a plant parent isn’t always easy. One day you’re watering it with care, and the next it’s mysteriously dead. But not to worry because this guide will help to make sure that never happens again.
Keep reading to learn a few plant care tips that will give you a green thumb.
Water With Care
Not all plants are created equal.
In fact, every plant needs a different amount of water to keep it alive. So to avoid overwatering or underwatering (both are bad), look up the recommended amount of water for that specific plant. And note that their needs change depending on the season, so you may have to reassess how much you water it.
Pro tip: can’t remember to water your plant? Set a reminder on your phone!
Know the Right Sunlight
Just like water, every plant needs a different amount of sunlight. So when researching your plant, look up what it likes and if it needs direct or indirect sunlight.
The plant’s sunlight needs will determine the best place for it in your home. For example, many sun-loving plants thrive right next to a sunny window. But if your house is dark, don’t worry because there are some plants that don’t need sun.
Prune It Real Good
Pruning is just trimming your plant.
And while it may sound bad to cut up your plant, it’s a necessary step in keeping it healthy! When pruning, you want to remove any overgrown parts and dead or diseased leaves.
If your plant has thicker branches, use pruning shears. But if its branches are thinner, it’s best to use regular scissors.
Repot It
You should repot your plant every 12 to 18 months.
But if you’re unsure when to repot it, look at the roots. If they’re growing out of the top of the planter or through the drainage holes, it’s time. You should also consider repotting if the plant is super top-heavy, growing very slowly, or dries out too quickly.
Add Some CO2
Let’s talk science for a minute.
Plants need CO2 to complete the process of photosynthesis. So, adding CO2 bottles to your plants can help maximize growth and yield. However, note that this is a practice you should consider if you want to create a grow room or a greenhouse.
Pro tip: you can buy a co2 meter, which will tell you exactly how much CO2 is in the grow room!
Do You Have a Green Thumb Yet?
There may be a few dead plants in your past. But if you follow these tips, you’re sure to grow a green thumb and raise some beautiful plants in the future. And when your plants see you coming from now on, they’ll know they’re in good hands.
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