Did you know that carpet prices range from $.65 to $12 per square foot! Rug prices vary even more. High-end, luxury rugs can run upwards of $10,000!
Whatever type of soft flooring you choose for your home, you have an enemy to look out for. Enter, the carpet moth!
Do you know the signs of carpet moths and how to get rid of carpet months if you find them? This blog can help arm you with the information you need to protect your carpet or rug investment.
Keep reading for carpet moth treatment tips and more!
Signs of Carpet Moths
The first thing to keep your eye out for is the moths themselves. They are smaller than a common house moth and typically a light brown color. While they hop instead of fly, their wings usually have three distinct dots on them.
The moths follow a lifecycle of egg, larva, cocoon, adult moths. The larvae feast on natural fibers in carpets, rugs, and even clothes. If you don’t see the moths but see threadbare patches on your carpets or rugs, that’s another sign.
They prefer areas of lower traffic and less-frequent vacuuming. Occasionally move your furniture and check underneath to assess the condition. The earlier you can spot an infestation, the better.
How to Get Rid of Carpet Moths
The larvae eat natural fibers because the fibers have keratin in them. Keratin is their food source. It can be found in dust, pet hair, human hair, and even skin cells we shed daily.
The first step of treatment is to thoroughly vacuum to remove excess food sources, eggs, or cocoons. Vacuum the whole surface of the carpet, paying particular attention to the edges, corners, and spots usually covered by furniture. Be sure to empty your vacuum outside into a trash bag that is then tied tightly and immediately disposed of.
Next, use a steam cleaner on your carpet or rug. The heat from the steam eradicates any remaining larvae or eggs. Follow carpet/rug care directions carefully or call in a professional.
If you need an added level of protection, there are carpet moth killer products such as sprays, powders, and fumigation treatments that you can use as well. Each of these treatments has its own instructions that you should carefully follow.
Carpet Moth Treatment Tips
So now you know how to spot the moths and treat them. Here are some other tips when it comes to carpet moths.
Act Preventatively
Many carpet cleaning services, like Cleanville, proactively spray your rugs and carpets with a carpet moth deterrent. This keeps the moths away before they become a problem.
Avoid Natural Fibers
If carpet moths are a recurring problem in your home, it may be time to switch materials. The moths are attracted to natural fibers. If you choose synthetic fibers like nylon, polyester, or olefin, the moths won’t be attracted.
Fight for Your Carpet Fibers
Now you’re prepared to wage war against the pests feasting on your fibers. Use your skills in carpet moth treatment and prevention to protect your home from those hungry invaders.
You know now how to fortify your home, check out our blog for other posts to fortify the rest of your life.
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