Not only are mosquitoes quite irritating, but the female can also lay between 100 and 300 eggs in a single session. In its short lifespan of just a few weeks, one mosquito can lay over 3,000 eggs.
Unfortunately, getting rid of mosquitoes can be quite challenging. While this is true, there are steps you can take to minimize mosquito breeding around your home and property.
Keep reading to learn what these tips are.
1. Eliminate Stagnant Water
Mosquitoes require stagnant water for laying eggs and for the eggs to hatch and for mosquitoes to mature. When mosquitoes are out, you need to make sure you eliminate any stagnant water on your property.
This includes cleaning your gutters, emptying water buckets, and filling birdbaths with fresh water regularly. It’s also smart to invest in professional mosquito control, and you can see here to learn more.
2. Eliminate Hiding Spots
Cleaning up your property regularly will help eliminate mosquito breeding areas too. This is because when you clean up your yard, you will empty surfaces and containers where water may collect.
Regular maintenance should also include trimming grass and other plants so mosquitoes don’t have anywhere to hide.
3. Use a Quality Mosquito Repellent
It is important to find a use a quality mosquito repellent. Some contain harmful chemicals, which can cause allergies and harm babies.
Take time to find a repellent that is safe and that provides the level of protection you need.
4. Pay Attention to Water Features
If you live close to drainage canals, decorative ponds, small ponds, or any other areas that hold standing water, you should plant eco-friendly botanical products nearby. Plants, such as Bti, act as a larvicide and help kill the mosquitoes before they have a chance to grow and mature.
You can also stock the ponds with Gambusia. This fish is nicknamed “mosquito fish” and will help eliminate the pesky insects.
5. Inspect Your Garden
Paving stones, flowerpots, and garden ornaments can all collect water and become the ideal breeding ground for mosquitoes. If you have potted plants, make sure they have proper drainage.
This is also going to help improve your plant’s health while preventing mosquito issues. For your garden décor, look for any hollow pieces with smaller, drilled holes. This is going to let the water drain away.
Now You Know How to Stop Mosquito Breeding
Using the right tactics will help minimize mosquito breeding around your home and property. However, investing in services from a pest control professional will also help with this effort.
Be sure to find a service provider with experience treating mosquito issues. This is going to ensure that your mosquito problem is handled.
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