The arrival of a new baby is always a happy event but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t come with challenges. A smart home can make life easier for harried parents, taking some of the stress out of caring for the newest member of the family. Smart homes automate crucial aspects of your home environment, making it easier to care for your baby.
Keep Your Cool (or Warm Up)
Babies are extremely sensitive to high or low temperatures. They rapidly become chilled or overheated. Some babies sleep better in a slightly cooler room while others seem to relax when things are warmer. A smart thermostat keeps the ambient temperature inside your home at the perfect level. Better yet, smart thermostats can be used to regulate the temperature in individual rooms. This allows you to keep Baby’s room at the perfect infant-friendly temperature while the rest of the house is set to a level that’s more comfortable for the rest of the family. As well as letting you adjust the temperature in the nursery alone without affecting the rest of the house, a new, more efficient HVAC system with a smart thermostat will save money on your heating and cooling bills. That’s always good news when you’ve got a new family member to consider.
Lights Out
Babies generally sleep better in a dimly-lit or darkened room. With a smart lighting system, you can dim the lights automatically at a certain time of day and adjust them remotely without needing to get up and manually adjust the dimmer switch. Many smart home systems allow you to control the lights from your smartphone. You can use the app to raise and lower light levels and even change the color to the most soothing shade for your baby. As with a smart thermostat, automating your household lighting allows you to avoid wasting electricity, turning out lights when they’re not in use.
Quiet Nights
Babies and loud noises really don’t mix. The room where your infant sleeps needs to be quiet. Conversely, if the room is too quiet this can make some infants anxious and fretful. Smart home sound systems allow you to lower the TV and music when the baby is sleeping. They also allow you to control the sound systems in the nursery, playing soothing white noise or lullabies to calm your baby.
Automate Chores
Another benefit of a smart house for the harried new parent is the ability to automate many day-to-day chores. If you’re too exhausted to remember to put the coffee on in the morning or don’t have the energy to run the vacuum cleaner around as often as you’d like, there are smart appliances to take care of those tasks for you. A smart coffee-maker will automatically prepare your morning brew just the way you like it, while a smart robotic vacuum cleaner will keep your house looking neat and tidy even when you’re too tired to clean.
Best of all, a smart house gives you peace of mind. You never have to worry about leaving the lights on or forgetting to set the AC before you head home from work: you can check the status of all your smart technology via convenient phone apps.
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