Is your home prepared for winter weather? Low temperatures can cause all kinds of problems, from frozen pipes to ice dams on your roof–not to mention the uncomfortable chill you may feel if your furnace is on the fritz.
A broken furnace in winter isn’t just an inconvenience; if temperatures are low enough, it could be deadly. However, it’s not always easy to tell if your furnace is working at its full capacity.
Have you been wondering, “Is my furnace broken?” If so, wonder no longer–keep reading to learn about three major signs that will tell you if your furnace is broken.
1. Your House Is Cold
One of the most obvious signs that you’ve got a furnace issue is that your home is cold even though your thermostat is set to a warm temperature. Either your furnace isn’t blowing hot air or it’s not running at all.
Furnaces aren’t necessarily broken if they aren’t heating a house; there could be another issue. For instance, clogged vents could prevent warm air from circulating properly.
It could also be an issue with the thermostat rather than the furnace itself.
If you’ve cleared your vents, but they aren’t blowing hot air–or if you simply can’t get your furnace to turn on–you may need a new furnace.
2. Higher Energy Bills
It’s natural for your power bill to go up a bit during the colder months; as temperatures lower, your furnace has to work harder to keep your home warm and comfortable.
That said, you shouldn’t see a colossal rise in your energy bill–if you do, it could signify that you have a damaged furnace.
Your furnace is likely struggling to keep up with your home heating needs, using extra energy in the process. You may be able to fix the issue by cleaning or replacing your furnace filter, improving airflow.
It’s also possible that you have an inefficient furnace; the best furnaces can heat your home without costing you a fortune.
3. Strange Sounds and Noises
Furnaces are naturally a bit noisy, but that’s not what we’re talking about here. Listen for unusual sounds coming from your furnace; it shouldn’t be hissing or popping.
Weird noises could indicate that a vital part of your furnace has come loose or stopped functioning. If that’s the case, you may end up buying a new furnace.
Noises aren’t the only thing to watch out for. Odd odors can also be a sign that something is wrong.
If you detect a smell like sulfur, shut your furnace down–you could have a serious problem. Burning or musty odors could also indicate trouble.
Repair Your Broken Furnace
Winter is hard enough as it is–you don’t want a broken furnace adding to your troubles. Check for these three signs to know if your furnace is having a problem; if it is, call a professional and get it fixed right away.
Once you’ve gotten your furnace taken care of, you can focus on other parts of your home that need attention. Visit our home and garden blog for articles and ideas for home renovation, decoration, and more!
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