If you’re considering purchasing a few brand new pieces of camera equipment but are unsure of what pieces you should select, continue reading to discover a few handy suggestions to contemplate.
Camera equipment advice:
1. Contemplate purchasing a small mic
Instead of relying on your camera’s internal mic to record high quality, accurate sound effects and dialogue, it’s a far smarter idea to purchase a small mic, which will professionally record your desired sound effects as well as any dialogue which you may choose to record.
As the last thing you want to do is record an hour of footage only to find that you can’t hear a single word which was spoken, due to failing to purchase a small mic.
2. Consider purchasing a multicam pack
In order to safely store your favorite camera and your camera related accessories, it’s a cost-effective and wise idea to invest in purchasing a multicam pack. Which will feature plenty of room to store two cameras as well as all of your SD cards, chargers and cables. So if you struggle to fit all of your camera equipment in a single bag, you may have found the answer to your problems.
3. Make sure to choose a camera which has a mic media porthole
One feature which is worth hunting for when you’re in the market for a new camera is a mic media porthole. As there’s no point purchasing a camera which won’t allow you to attach an external microphone. As without using an external microphone, you won’t be able to record high-quality audio to enhance your videos.
4. Try to purchase an alm pro or an alm camlite
If you’d like to be able to use your smartphone’s camera like a traditional camera, simply purchase an alm pro or an alm camlite, which will turn your once standard smartphone camera into an alm camera. Which will be far more practical to use. Especially when it comes to pointing and shooting your smartphone camera. As an alm camera works like a traditional camera.
As an example, when it comes time to shoot a photo, you’ll be able to press a button on the top of your alm camera case. Instead of trying to press your smart phone’s screen in order to take a photo.
So if you’re in the market for new camera equipment, hopefully, you find the handy information listed above valuable, when it comes to placing items in your cart.