In 2020, there were more than 67,400 charges of discrimination filed in the U.S. That represents thousands of companies that could be using dangerous ideas in their own offices. They could reject people based on things those workers can’t control or make their work harder than it needs to be.
Anti discrimination training is a way to make sure that companies take an active role against this. This kind of training shows employees and managers to identify discriminatory practices. It also shows them how to handle them, and how to improve the office.
Keep reading below to learn about whether this kind of training is worthwhile for your company.
Discrimination Is Evil, and It’s Illegal
When most people think of discrimination, they tend to think of history class. In corporate America, discrimination may feel like a relic of the past because few people in that environment experience it firsthand. But it is a very real and incredibly harmful force in the world today.
As the country has grown, laws were developed to make sure everyone could get the same chances as everyone else. These anti-discrimination laws require employers to follow certain rules. They can’t choose to not hire someone just because of their race, gender, sexuality, religion, or other parts of their identity.
The laws expand beyond the workplace too. Landlords can’t reject applications because of race, and colleges can’t deny students because of religion. Across the U.S. institutions are expected to ignore identity and choose people based on ability.
Workplace Discrimination Can Be Hard to Spot
Discrimination in the office may not look like what people expect. In fact, many workers in the workplace may never see it firsthand. Instead, discrimination manifests in hiring decisions, clientele, and marketing.
A lot of the time, managers are the ones who need anti discrimination training the most. The choices they make represent the entire company. So, if they choose to fire someone or turn away a client because of racist leanings, the entire company can be liable.
These kinds of training help managers identify behaviors and ideas in themselves that could be harmful. It shows them the history behind those ideas, and how to handle situations if coworkers start showing them too. It also teaches them that they are ultimately responsible for making the office anti-discriminatory.
Improve Your Brand and Boost Productivity
Company leaders usually have one thing on their mind — how they can improve the business. Anti-discrimination training is one of the best ways to improve it. It makes the office more comfortable for everyone and helps make the company become a positive force in its community.
When people are more comfortable in the office, they will get more work done. And when your company speaks out against discrimination in the community, its brand gets boosted. That results in more customers and more revenue in the long term.
It Takes Everyone For There to Be Equality in the Workplace
There is one misstep that many companies make when trying to prevent discrimination. They take anti discrimination training courses, but they don’t do anything afterward. The training isn’t a one-and-done deal.
Instead, it shows them the ways they can help prevent discrimination in the workplace. Actually preventing discrimination is everyone’s responsibility. Everyone needs to step up and put those lessons into action before they see change.
And to learn more about how you can improve your workplace, just keep reading our website.
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