While it is difficult to say for sure how much the industry is worth due to its diversity, one recent study claimed that the marketing business was worth a total of $1.7 trillion worldwide.
Nowadays, a lot of the industry is taken up by online marketing tools like SEO and social media. While these can be highly effective, they’re not the only way to sell a product.
Print marketing is still a crucial part of the industry. While not the most technologically advanced medium, it has a number of important functions.
Read on to learn more about print marketing and how it might give your business a boost.
What Is Print Marketing?
Print marketing is any kind of advertising or branding that physically appears on something, rather than as an image on a screen. There are many different ways in which you can use print marketing.
If you need help with any aspect of print marketing, get in touch with Team Concepts Printing.
Brochures & Catalogs
A brochure is a fundamental piece of print marketing content. No matter what kind of organization you’re marketing for, you can usually fit all the relevant details on a brochure.
Business Cards
These are one of the simplest print marketing media around. They generally contain no more than a name, brand, and contact details. However, they can add huge prestige for a brand or professional.
Maintenance of vehicles can be a huge business expense. However, print marketing offers you a way to get better value from this money.
By putting your brand and contact details on all your company vehicles, you’re ensuring that everyone in your area will start to recognize your company. The more vehicles you have, the better this will work.
If your vehicles are eco-friendly, that’s a bonus!
Benefits of Print Marketing
Despite the popularity of the internet among modern marketers, there remain some important benefits to print marketing. Below are two of the most significant.
The expenses associated with printing have fallen drastically over the last few decades. It’s now relatively cheap to create brand recognition with things like business cards and brochures. Despite this, however, people still associate these things with high-value businesses.
There are many different ways to use print to further your reach. The best marketers will capitalize on a few different print marketing methods to maximize brand awareness.
Leveraging Print Marketing to Maximize Your Reach in 2020
As technology improves, the ways in which businesses can leverage print marketing increase in number. The more platforms upon which you can advertise your brand, the more awareness people will have of your business and the more they will trust what you offer.
For this reason, it’s important to look past the internet when you’re deciding on a marketing strategy, even in 2020.
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