When you are running a consumer business, you always expect the unexpected. A number of problems can arise, and it is vital for you to find ways to resolve things to the best of your abilities. One of the most common scenarios that you can possibly encounter is a customer complaint. What are you going to do to make the customer satisfied at the end of the day?
In reality, customer complaints are unpredictable. Some issues are pretty much easy to handle, but some problems are known to be quite complicated and can trigger the customer to get angry thus negatively affecting the business. That is why everybody in your company needs to know how to handle complaints in a professional manner. Here are some tips on how to get you started.
Just listen
When a frustrated customer approaches you with a series of complaints, it is essential that you let them talk while you listen. It is usual for the customer to vent out their frustrations towards you but do not take it negatively.
Check account history
Proper documentation is essential in every type of business. Investing in a CRM system can help you efficiently manage each customer account making it easier to check for issues and provide real-time solutions. Being organised with company records will benefit not just your existing clients, but it is also for your employees.
Acknowledge the customer
If the customer is expressing their frustration make sure to let them know that you are listening. If you are speaking to them over the phone, short statements such as “I see”, “I understand” or “Go ahead and tell me” are helpful in terms of letting the customer know that you are listening. When taking customer complaints personally be eager to show them your willingness to help by writing down notes and asking probing questions.
Whether it is your fault or not it is important to apologise to the customer for making them feel bad. Aside from offering a solution, customers would also like to hear that the other party is sincerely apologetic about the situation. Remember that filing a complaint alone is a very frustrating process that is why every angry customer deserves an apology.
Find a solution right away
Once you are able to get all the necessary information, do the investigation and provide the appropriate resolution. Make sure that you are still using the standard guidelines to ensure that you are giving customers equal treatment.
Do not forget to follow-up
Make sure to get back to the customer to check if the issue is already resolved. Call backs may seem like a small gesture, but it is a way to show customers that you care.
Poor customer service can significantly affect your business in many ways. Stories about lousy experience travel fast, and it can discourage other potential clients from trying out your products and services. That is why all customer complaints must be handled quickly and efficiently before they escalate to a higher level.
Image: https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2017/07/25/09/39/call-center-2537390__340.jpg
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