As of 2020, 5.8 million Americans had Alzheimer’s Disease!
If you suspect that a loved one is suffering from Alzheimer’s disease you may be wondering exactly what signs you should be looking out for.
Alzheimer’s disease never shows up without first giving clues that it is present. Here are some of the early signs of Alzheimer’s disease you should be looking out for to see whether your loved one may be developing the disease.
Memory Loss
One of the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease is memory loss. Your loved one may not remember information that they have recently been told. They may start forgetting important dates and events.
They may begin to ask you the same question over and over again, even though you have told them repeatedly the answer. They may even need to use reminders on their phones or written reminders around the house to keep track of events.
Difficulty Conversing
People with Alzheimer’s disease may experience difficulty conversing with their loved ones. They may be unable to finish a conversation they started.
They may stop talking in the middle of a sentence and have no idea where they left off. They may even start repeating the same information that they have previously been speaking about.
They may also start calling familiar objects by different names.
Poor Judgment
Another one of the signs of Alzheimer’s disease is when your loved one who has previously been very coherent has trouble making simple decisions about basic things.
They may become confused when they’re handling money and be unable to make good financial decisions.
However, financial competence is not the only thing that may start to decrease with the onset of Alzheimer’s. When there is an early onset of Alzheimer’s your loved one may even start having a lack of personal hygiene.
How they take care of themselves may start to deteriorate. This is usually a sign that they need to go into senior care.
Misplacing Items
A symptom of Alzheimer’s disease that is hard to miss is when a loved one starts misplacing things. They may start putting things in places where they simply don’t belong.
They may put things in one place and have difficulty remembering exactly where they put it. They may also not be able to retrace their steps to find an item they have misplaced.
Early Signs of Alzheimer’s Disease in Seniors
You now know the early signs of Alzheimer’s disease in seniors. When Alzheimer’s disease is affecting your loved one it can be emotionally devastating.
The best thing you can do when your loved one starts developing Alzheimer’s is to ensure that you make life as comfortable for them as possible.
Many doctors specialize in dealing with Alzheimer’s disease and there are also many facilities available to make your loved one more comfortable as the disease progresses.
If you would like more informative tips, please visit the home and garden section of the website.
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