About 12% of people in the United States report using recreational marijuana, and that number is likely lower than reality. Are you interested in trying it for yourself?
As more and more states legalize marijuana, additional people are finding opportunities to use it. Knowing how to use marijuana safely is crucial.
We’re here to offer you some much-needed advice so you can feel comfortable and confident when you try marijuana for the first time. Read on to learn more.
Ask Professionals for Strain Advice
When you go to a cannabis dispensary, you might feel overwhelmed at first. There are so many things to choose from, so how do you know what’s going to work for you?
Cannabis dispensary workers aren’t just there to ring up your purchase. Feel free to ask them for suggestions and don’t be afraid to mention that you’ve never used marijuana before. Remember, they’ve been there too!
They can advise you on different products that can suit your needs. Click for more info about cannabis dispensaries.
Try It When You’re Comfortable
You should never try marijuana for the first time if you’re already in a bad state of mind. Use it when you’re already feeling comfortable so you can avoid some nasty side effects.
If you’re already feeling depressed or anxious, marijuana can make those problems worse. You may start to panic.
Give yourself a good and safe environment with plenty of snacks, something good to watch on TV, and friends (if possible). You’ll have a much better experience. If you find that marijuana doesn’t make you feel anxious or sad, you could use it for anxiety in the future.
Choose the Right Products
Not all marijuana products are alike. First, there are plenty of strains to choose from. Sativa, Indica, and hybrid strains may all have different effects.
You also have to choose the right method of consumption. While most people choose to smoke weed, you can also use a vaporizer, take cannabis edibles, a cannabis tincture, and more. All of these options have different pros and cons.
For example, edibles tend to give the user a more intense experience, but it takes longer for them to work and they may be overwhelming for first-time users.
Smoking gives you instant results, but it’s not good for your lungs and it isn’t a good idea to smoke indoors.
Don’t Overdo It
When you smoke or otherwise consume marijuana for the first time, resist the urge to use more than you can handle. Stopping after a single hit or only taking half of an edible is more than enough for a first-time marijuana user.
Remember: you can always use more later. Taking too much at first could lead to a stressful experience.
That’s How to Use Marijuana Safely
Using marijuana isn’t complicated, and for most people, it’s a good and safe experience. If you’re still worried, ask your marijuana-using friends how to use marijuana safely. They may be able to stay with you while you try it!
For more helpful articles about marijuana, CBD, and more, visit the rest of our site.
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